Taxicabs, Uber, Lyft

Taxicabs and Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), like Uber and Lyft, are great options when you're car free, or when you use a carpool or transit for your commute, but need to make a trip during the day.
TNCs serving Arlington
Uber and Lyft are Transportation Network Companies serving Arlington, using smart phone apps to connect passengers with drivers of personal, non-commercial vehicles.
Taxicab companies serving Arlington
Arlington Yellow Cab
24 Hour Dispatch: (703) 522-2222
Wheelchair accessible cabs are available with 3 hour advance request. Yellow Cab also honors Senior/Disabled tickets.
Arlington Blue Top Cab
24 Hour Dispatch: (703) 243-TAXI (8294)
Wheelchair accessible taxicabs are available by advance request.
Crown Cab Company
(703) 528-0202
Friendly Cab Company
(703) 892-4144
Hess Taxicab Company
(703) 841-1555
TDD relay service for deaf and hard-of-hearing callers in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.: 711
Senior/Disabled Discounted Tickets: Senior citizens and disabled customers of Arlington Red Top, Blue Top, and Yellow Cab can save 10% on their fare when they purchase special ticket books from The Commuter Store or online from
Super Senior Taxi Booklet: Arlington County residents age 70 or older can save 50% on their taxi fare by purchasing ticket booklets that can be used on Arlington Red Top, Blue Top or Yellow Cab. Tickets are available from The Commuter Store or online from
Complaints about an Arlington County taxicab company should be directed to the Arlington County Hack Inspector at (703) 228-4255.
Visit the Arlington County Taxicab Regulation webpage for additional information on taxicab service and regulation in Arlington.